Moments before the storm on Kythnos |
This has been a week of fewer ports but much wind. We hadn't planned specific legs of our journey except for a few, this Saturday being one of them, when we had to be near Athens for Catherine to fly out. The weather being what it is in the Cyclades, we have been trying to time this carefully and it had been going so well. Until last night that is. We were moored up in a peaceful bay on Kythnos which resembles a transiting location and had been watching an ominous cloud for some time and just as it got dark all hell broke loose and a we had lightning and 40kt plus wind in an instant. Some people got into their dinghies and went ashore to seek refuge from the lightning, which seemed like a risky thing to do, so we stayed put, didn't touch any metal and put VHF, phones and all the electronics we could into the oven which acts as a Faraday cage in case we got struck. By midnight it had blown over and an eerie stillness descended on the bay. The next day we met some crews in Poros who told us that they had been through it on Hydra and they had mooring lines snap and all manner of damage. All fun and games.
Sunrise on the way to Poros |
Windmill island interrupts 8 hour tack |
Just before sunrise we set off towards Poros and the forecast turned out to be just we had hoped and we had a great wind on the beam taking us at 7 - 8kts across a relatively flat sea. 8 hours later we entered the Poros south channel. This is a busy place and the last time we were here was in summer 2007 when we sailed from Athens with our cousin Anthony and the whole family. Quite coincidentally we moored up almost exactly where we did 9 years ago. Not a huge amount has changed, although the quay is well organised now and the services are quite slick. It has a very different feel to being on the remote islands and although this is a small place with limited facilities we have the feeling of being back in civilisation. I am sure it is a feeling one can tolerate for a week or so.
Me (white legs) haggling with the same water man 9 years ago |
On the right - Skipper turns Violinist again |
Catherine set off to work for a week - taking a ferry to Athens - the same one we curse as its wash causes havoc in the harbour. Just to make sure I am ok on my own this next week, she bought me a leaving present of some worry beads - or calming beads as they are more accurately called. I explained that the chandlers (boat supply shop) will keep me occupied as will a few projects I have to complete along with some of my ongoing Sommelier duties.
Earlier in the week....
Chora on Serifos |
Looking down on our anchorage - Livadiou |
Serifos is a small island with a population the size of our High Street at home. Admittedly the view is better though, as well as the olives and Ouzo. The Chora is perched on the side of the hill and looks as thought it will slide off at any moment. We decided to anchor in the bay for the couple of days we were here even though the harbour has been completely renovated - the water is cleaner and rowing is healthy for you - I am told.
A recipe for anchor problems in Poros |
Poros from the hill |
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